Thursday, January 13, 2011

A glimpse into our Devotional Time

God says, "You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up." Deut 6:7

The Little Gentleman passed out the hymnals today as each Child claimed their own color. I always just take the hymnal that is left over. But today, the Little Miss decided that she wanted to sit by herself and claim the pink one as her own. See that face? She knew I had just discovered her swiping the pink one. She must have felt older because she *sang* along with much more gusto today especially because Sister always requests the song "No, not one." The song allows the Little Miss inflections to get louder and louder as she recognized the tune, all the while holding her hymnal upside down!
Even Dakota stuck around through the singing but when we did our devotional reading he decided that he would skip out!
Today, we all marveled over how cheerful Rebecca must have been going about her daily task and how kind she was to Abraham's servant, Eliezer, who was a stranger to her. No wonder Eliezer had faith that God would show him exactly which Maiden to choose for Isaac after he said his prayer! Eliezer hoped by his prayer that he would pick a girl of good character, not only kind but one who went about her daily task with industry and cheerfulness. What a great lesson about godly character for me to remember for it was a great deal of work to not just give him water but to draw water with a pottery jug for twelve thirsty camels; for they can drink a large volume of water after a desert journey.


  1. Hello Carmen! So glad you stopped by to say hello to me. We do the same thing every morning to begin our homeschool. I really think it is important to sing hymns with my children. We don't sing them all that often in church, unfortunately. I want my kids to know the truths they contain.

  2. Sweet and adorable. Oh and this chick called Beloveds Bride yesterday and boo hooo, didn't get a call back. Missing my sissy.

  3. Oh...and awesome picture of Dakota.

  4. Love this post, Carmen. Getting a glimpse into your precious time is so sweet. What a doll! Love her little cute face.

  5. Ok so how do you put that into practice if you don't know how to read the know how to sing it...does that make sense? We don't have musical instruments and the last time I played the piano was way back in the 80's and I don't remember how to read sheet music...or to know what it should sound like.....aaackkkk

    but it sounds delightful to do,.

  6. That picture is priceless to me. So sweet. Maybe you are developing a quartet with all those beautiful voices.

  7. HI Carmen, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on our fun with Playdoh!

    Oh how I love these new pictures! So cute!

    Happy Weekend!

  8. Hi Carmen,
    I love these precious shots of your darling one.
    Rebecca is one my most favorite woman of the bible. There is so much depth to her life which is most often neglected on the account of her two sons later on in Genesis.
    have a wonderful blessed weekend.

  9. Beautiful pictures. Sounds like you all have a really nice beginning to your school day. We do not sing hymns but we say our pledge to the flag and to the bible. Then one of the girls(they take turns) will pray for our day. We then begin our school by doing bible reading. This is always first. Thanks for sharing how your school day begins. Stay strong. You are doing a great job. God bless.

  10. I really enjoyed seeing a glimpse of your Devotional time. I really need to start with a hymn. Thank you for inspiring me. *grin* And...thank you so much for visiting my blog. Looking forward to getting to know you better via bloggyland.

    Blessings in Him<><

  11. Oh my. Is she not one of the cutest little things ever?

    That is sooooo precous, kitty and all!

  12. Great pictures! She is just adorable! Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner, I finally finished my Math final last night! yeah!! I'm completing my education degree. hopefully my PHD one day soon. Still wrapping up my Bachelors now. I have a dual major in Education and Social Work. I attend Walden university online. My next class starts Monday. :-) I'm just happy it's not Math, lol.
    Have a great weekend!

  13. Melissa. Might I suggest the book and CD to "Hymns for a Child's Heart"? It was written by Joni Eareckson Tada. We actually sing accapella. The church we attend here does mostly "praise and worship" but I think it is important for them to know the hymns.

    Hymns also reminds me of my Grandma! So special to me.


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