Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Horses in January

"All the sounds dear to a horseman were around me - the snort of the horses as they cleared their throats, the gentle swish of their tails, the tinkle of irons as we flung the saddles over their backs - little sounds of no importance, but they stay in the unconscious library of memory. " ~Wynford Vaughan-Thomas
They are die hard Horseback Riders. Brrr!

I was gently reminded that making memories is fun. And, with that statement I grabbed the hot chocolate thermos, the snow suits, and some blankets.

Their trainer took them to the trails.

They came back with snow plopped on them from the trees, red little noses, and smelling like Horses and leather.


  1. What a beautiful setting, and yes the memories are worth it! Way to go momma.

  2. Absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing their fun winter adventure with all of us. They look adorable on their horses. *smile* Have a warm evening. *smile* Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  3. They are definitely dedicated! What a beautiful world to be out in though!

  4. What an awesome way to enjoy the snow!

  5. My Julie would love this! I hope they enjoyed their outing very much. It looks to me like a childs dream come true. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  6. Beautiful. Love the quote at the top... Oh I just loved this...
    xxxooo ~Amelia

  7. Brings back memories....
    these are precious pictures!


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