Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Judge

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalms 119:105
No disputing who is first now! Red 1 buzzed in first for the Bible Quiz Question.

All "The Judge" needed was a little TLC from my Parents and Beloved. He is working like a charm! This was the old man who judged me and my team when I did Bible Quiz during High School --well over 20 years ago.

Me: "Who are two sons of Abraham?"
Green 3 buzzed in first.
The Little Man said, "Issac and Luke."
Me: "No. Issac and Ishmael."
The Little Man: "Well, I know two brothers named Issac and Luke. Can I get 1/2 credit?"
Me: Absolutely not! ;) But, Mrs. Phillips will be glad to know that you thought of them!
... And then they discovered I was NOT keeping points at all!!!
oh, the travesty!


  1. Buzz, Buzz, Buzz.....he is such a cutie.

  2. Such a fun family activity!! Was Isaac & Luke's father named Abraham... maybe he should get points!! (grin)

  3. Oh how fun!! My husband does something similar with the students at the university, they call it "college bowl" and they have to buzz in their answers. Wish we had something like that, our kids would LOVE it! We play A LOT of games in our house!

  4. Carmen, I also wanted to let you know (For some reason the message feature isn't working). I had suggested a Margaret O'Brien Christmas movie to you. The Christmas one where the animals kneel is Tenth Avenue Angel, I have a clip here:

    I still love Our Vines have Tender Leaves' too. : ) But I realized I had made a slight mistake on that and wanted to let you know.

    Bless you Carmen! xxxooo


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