Thursday, January 6, 2011

Little Lady turns 7

Extra special wishes, For an extra special day ~ Unknown

We celebrated the Little Lady's Birthday this week with a Family Dinner at her favorite restaurant. Then, we had cake at home. Every single Birthday Gift had a horse on it. And, she thought that was just the best!


  1. She is so sweet! Hope she had a wonderful 7th birthday. Wish we could have been there.

  2. Oh my goodness, look at that mischievous little face! Happy Birthday to your daughter! My youngest loves all things horses as well.

  3. Happy Birthday, Little Lady. Beautiful picture. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  4. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday God Bless you
    Happy Birthday to you....

    What joy to be blessed with so many gifts that are related to horses!!!

  5. giggle. Actually, this is her "I am so embarrased face." We were singing her "Happy Birthday". She is some what shy and so attention on her cracks her up. But, she couldn't contain her excitement.

  6. She's so beautiful, Carmen! Happy Birthday to her! My Anna would LOVE all the horse stuff!

  7. Awww Happy 7th Birthday!! my daughter loves horses too!
    Have a great weekend!

  8. A Happy Birthday to the little red-haired girl!

  9. Such a beautiful young lady!!
    Happy birthday!


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