Monday, January 24, 2011

Sierra and Snow

"A snowflake is one of God's most fragile creations, but look what they can do when they stick together!" ~Author Unknown

Typically, the old girl sleeps the day away! So, quite frankly, I am surprised she wanted to go outside for more than 2 minutes. And, to go outside with out her sweater on too. Imagine!!

There was no doubt that she became perky when we got our snow suits and mittens on and spent some time outside playing. So, apparently, she is not so old that she isn't going to want to go on some more "Family Adventures". She must be storing her energy for our hiking and camping trips?!

She had me wondering especially since the Vet said she is losing most of her hearing and that if we notice her bumping into things it will be because her cataracts are getting worse and causing her to go blind.

There is no doubt that she is ready for Spring too.


  1. Sweet picture. Bet she is ready for spring when things have smells again, since here hearing and sight are going...smell just became more important. *smile* Have a great day enjoy the beauty of your snow. *smile* Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & s omuch more!

  2. How come I didn't even know about Sierra. She's so pretty.

  3. Beloved and I have had Sierra since 1998. While we are traveling on long trips the past three years Sierra and Dakota (cat) were shuttled back and forth to the "Pitt Pet Lodge" in Savannah. ;)

    I am extremely greatful for the Boston Brigade's Hospitality toward these two.

    Often times, while traveling to Savannah on those long traveling days, I had 4 Children, a dog and a cat! But, now that Beloved is wrapping up this job, the animals will just stay here and take trips with us. She went on a few day trips with us already. She is a really good traveler.

  4. Sweet Sierra. She has been a good dog and hopefully will enjoy another summer. I was coming on to blogspot to post a pic of must be a doggie day.

  5. I think I knew about Dakota. How old is Sierra? I bet the kids love them!!

  6. Awww she's a sweetie! I got my lab in August 1998 when she was a puppy. The years fly by too fast.


  7. She is a very pretty dog. We have an old dog too. He is a very important part of our lives. He too seems to become younger when the snow falls. Enjoy your day and God bless.


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