Thursday, February 10, 2011

In Love With A Mystery Part 2

"I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine" - Song of Solomon 6:3

Now this Church was familiar to me. Although, I had not ever entered this particular Church’s doors except for a few wedding showers, a large handful of the members were old friends of my Family. Several of the members had known my Grand Parents and Parents even before I was even a thought due to being in the Ministry in the City. The College age students that attended there were those that I had known in High School. There was also a girly friend and her Family that I knew well, that went there too.

A long time after that U-turn driving night, (months and months went by) my girly friend’s family invited me to hang out with them since the small Church that had been planted in another town, of which I was involved with, was closing its Ministry doors.

I don’t particularly remember much about that evening’s message. However, I do remember the sweet Spirit of Jesus during the alter call. It was one where the intimacy of the congregation all met up at the front singing Songs to the Lord. I stood behind the first row of pews, near the back since everyone else crowded in between the first pew and the pulpit. I looked upon the people in amazement and wonder of God’s presence. I remember taking note of certain people worshiping the Lord. I remember watching my Mom’s old friend playing the Piano as she was playing a soft worship chorus.

The presence of the Lord was so soothing, sweet and calm.

The service was one in which as a first time in attendance, but not one who is unfamiliar with this type of service, could sit back and really take in the lines of people’s faces as their hearts were lifted to the Lord. It is a habit of mine, to watch People being blessed in Church. And, so as my eyes scanned the crowd I noticed many People other than the Pianist. I watched several children. I can still see the Pastor praying for Families. And, although I don’t remember who it was, I can see someone kneeling on the alter steps.

But, there is one person that I remember extremely clearly.

There to the left of me, about 15 feet away, was a man that stood as tall as a Cedar Tree. His hands were lifted to the Lord and he was singing, maybe quietly and softly, maybe in just a regular melody. I was not close enough to hear. But, I sat watching for a minute and it was at that time that the Spirit of the Lord began to move upon him.

Yes, he looked like a Cedar Tree. He looked firmly planted where he stood. He looked strong and tall. Did I mention 6 feet 5 inches tall? He wore a one piece green military suit with no patches.

I cannot say how I took note of all this but I can tell you I was NOT curious of him. I was simply worshiping the Lord, Praising God for all his goodness on this group of People. And, then it happened, the cedar tree wrapped up in worship humbled himself to the Lord and fell down.

(Beloved has no additional Comments to add to this story so far! Eventually, he will! I can assure you!)


  1. I am sure your readers are wanting to continue to Part 3.....I know I am and I know pretty much the story.

  2. I doubt it!

    But, I do know that Beloved will bring home a camera memory chip by time I get to the parts in the story that he read through and had a few extra comments to insert! (giggle)


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