Friday, September 2, 2011

A Combo of Comfort

Wear the old coat and buy the new book.  - Austin Phelps

A new-to- her comfy dress from the thrifty store for less than $3.00 and 9 new-to-her books from the used books store for less than $2.00 a piece makes a great combo of comfort in her opinion!

She has been doing nothing but reading since Wednesday!

8 of the 9 are Box Car books. The other one is the older original Dr. Doolittle.
She reminded me that 9 books would only last 9 days.  (sigh!) I wish our library was worth the library card because I only have 6 more days left before she will want more books again.


  1. She is becoming such a beauty.

  2. Very cute dress, can I borrow it? Love the color of red, a true red. : )

    Fun times, new books!

  3. That's a cute picture at the bottom. I like the red hair and the red skirt.

  4. So sweet! I love when they get new books and just have to read them as much as possible.

  5. I love that quote! And I have to say I just love the beautiful red hair!


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