Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Glimpse into his Astronomy Notebook

Notebooking follows the pace of your child. Whether your child comes to a skill that is challenging him to his limits or your child needs to find a real challenge in his education, Notebooking meets them where they are and gently challenges them onward without frustrating them! Notebooking, also, allows for growth. - C. Rushton

When the Little Lady did Astronomy last year we did a lapbook  for something trendy.   It turned out cute but we both did not like the process of doing lapbooks.  I think it was because we felt that it was out of order. It almost ended up that we put the items where we could fit them instead of how we studied it.  The end result of the lapbook come out completely lovely and impressive once we were finished though.

This year, I was NOT going to do lapbooks  and instead just keep to the more gentler tried and true approach.  I  bought spiral notebooks and I am having them make their own. Yes, I know that most conversational text books sale them to go along with their text book as well but I want something more personal and something I can tweak with additional reading assignments and more engaging activities.  This is important to me because the Science and History books that we have are just the back bone spine of our curriculum but not the only thing we use.

Notebooking seems to be working extremely well with him.

Discussion about God putting signs in the sky...

Putting the planets in order...

The Listen and Drawing a Rocket Exercise...

Introduction to the Sun...


  1. I love the notebooks! We are making similar books w/ our Beautiful Feet history (which also serves at literature for us right now!)

  2. Keri, I would love to see your Beautiful Feet History notebooks. We do a notebook also for History as well.


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